Terra Moné Beauty

Eyelash Extensions Aren’t for Everyone

Apart from making your eyes brighter and giving you a captivating look with the least amount of makeup applied, eyelash extensions are not for everyone!!! Yes, they have their pros and cons. As much as you would love to pamper yourself giving that edgy and fetching look, proper care must be taken to avoid any damage.

Improper application of extensions can make your natural lashes fall out leaving your eyelids unprotected! Many places use the technique of “cluster lashes”, applying excessive amount of low quality adhesive. This method uses gooey glue and instead of applying lash extensions properly to each strand, as it is more time consuming, glue is rubbed over to lashes resulting in clusters. If you are in a rush or looking for cheap ways to get your extensions done, then opting for this method can cause severe damage to your natural lashes.

Loss of extensions can be caused due to a number of ways:

  1. Careless sleeper: Sleeping on your face will be the end of your lashes pouring all your money down the drain. When you have lash extensions it is recommended you sleep on your back, or side. Sleeping on your face will result in your lashes getting stuck to the cotton in your pillow case. You will smash them and usually you don’t stay in one place while you sleep. You are likely rubbing your face, moving constantly, turning it side to side. This will create your lashes to fall out, breakdown, and just be ruined! If you are a pillow smother, lash at your own risk!
  2. Rubbing your eyes: Due to the daily exposure to sun, smoke and pollution while going out, your eyes start to get itchy and blurry. You cannot help but rub off your eyes every now and then which results in falling out your lashes and ruining them. Rubbing your eyes while having extensions on can be dangerous as they are glued with adhesive and it is likely to get it in your eyes resulting in swelling. This is also one of the few reasons, why it is imperative to clean your lashes.
  3. Watery eyes: The thing that can be most dangerous to your newly glued lashes is water! Yes! The salt from your tears can crumble your pretty extensions by breaking down the glue. excessive moisture and yes – even crying! Going out in places likely to have a smoke like a barbeque can make your eyes watery as well. If you’re allergic to something then low grade medical adhesives can cause itch and redness in your eyes resulting in flooded eyes. Then definitely eyelash extensions aren’t for you! Consult a doctor immediately if you face such conditions.
  4. Weather changes: Weather changes can cause extreme hormonal changes in your body. The season of spring is said to be the SEASON OF HAIR SHEDDING and this includes lashes as well! Although it varies from person to person, and place to place but lashes do shed due to hormonal and weather changes.
  5. Excessive heat and steam: If you live in a colder, dryer climate then you don’t have to worry about it, unless you decide to get a steam bath on the very day you get your lashes done! Any kind of steam and excessive heat can loosen your extensions, even staying too close to the stove while cooking. Too much heat can cause you to lose the curl of your lashes leaving straight, long lashes and they aren’t that much pretty!

Lash extensions can give you that “good to go” look but they are not for everyone. Especially when you are allergic to adhesives.  can only be placed if you still have your natural lashes in place. They are not easy to maintain as well, requiring a lot of time, effort and care, making itself a luxury not a necessity.